Thursday, October 15, 2009

'Old Town' Multipiece Wheels

According to Wiki, The Altstadt (literally "old town") is one of the 49 boroughs of the German city of Düsseldorf, and belongs to City District (District 1). The Düsseldorfer Altstadt is known as the longest bar in the world (»längste Theke der Welt«), because the small Old Town has more than 300 bars and discothèques. Famous is the special beer from Düsseldorf, the Altbier ("old beer"), brewed from an old traditional recipe, which is only brewed in a few places in the world since the end of the 19th century.

Well, RIVERSIDE's ALTSTADT EXE' W150 isn't exactly old town style wheels and if the gorgeous hybrid spokes and aluminium center caps ticks your fancy, it is exactly where this premium JDM company is heading. RIVERSIDE might not be a household name to certain wheel enthusiast, but recently their products have clearly benefited by the VIP culture that has bloomed in North America. Available in 3 finishings being Black Polish, Silver Polish and Black Faced, all wheels has pierced bolts in chrome.

The single most important element besides the spokes pattern is definitely the gorgeous big cap which integrates perfectly with the design. Call it a win-win situation but it can also cost you dearly should one lose it or it could turn out to be a nightmare if you had a puncture and so happen to lost the allen keys! So tuners and wheel lovers beware, if you that sorta simpletons, always ask for a spare key or drive your bosch driller around. But then again, anyone with enuff $$$ to get their hands on these 20's or 22's would probably just call for roadside (or riverside) assistance!

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